How can you help?
Have you seen Jarod and Caleb's story, or that of another child with Sanfilippo Syndrome, and would like to help somehow? Join Team Jarod/Team Caleb! Team Jarod/Team Caleb (The Sanfilippo Hope Initiative) is a virtual "team" of people who are dedicated to supporting children or adults with Sanfilippo Syndrome through advocacy, awareness, financial assistance and funding research for a cure. Would you be willing to do one or more of the following? Then welcome to the team!
We will be working to put together events to raise awareness of Sanfilippo Syndrome and raise funds for the research. Would you be willing to create and/or work an event? Contact us and we'll put something together. We will need many hands and voices to get the work done! We are just in our beginning stages, so check back later for more opportunities.
The Sanfilippo Hope Initiative is committed to bringing hope to families affected by Sanfilippo Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharidosis III, AKA MPSIII) through financial assistance, education and advocacy today, as well as working towards a cure for the disease now and in the future. Our mission is to promote awareness of Sanfilippo Syndrome, to educate, advocate for, and provide financial assistance to individuals and families affected by the disease, and to contribute necessary funds to selected scientists who are researching methods to treat and someday cure the disease.
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