On Tuesday, June 21st, Caleb will be fitted for hearing aids. This comes after a few years of testing and speculation. We have had audiograms in the past that showed the possiblity of him having a high-frequency hearing lost, but twice after these he has had ABR's (hearing tests done under sedation by recording brain activity) at the hospital that showed his hearing was normal. On Friday, June 3rd, we had a really good audiogram done by two audiologists and a hard-working Caleb to show that indeed he needs aids. Since we have already experienced this with Jarod it won't be such a big adjustment for us, but it will be for Caleb. Please pray for a smooth transition.
Also - since we now thought Jarod's hearing loss was associated with Saniflippo Syndrome we recently had Caleb take a urine test to check for the disease. We are awaiting the results. We are hopeful that they will come back negative since we don't see any of the developmental delays in Caleb that we saw in Jarod at the same age. Please pray for negative test results for Caleb!!